Portrait of Tarquin Hall Photo: Ulf Andersen/Getty Images (2007)

Hall, Tarquin

United Kingdom
Miscellaneous prose, Crime literature
British author and journalist born in London. He attended boarding school in Dorset until his father's bankruptcy. When he was eighteen, Tarquin Hall decided he wanted to become a journalist, and since his mother was American, he went to the United States where he worked in a hotel and at a ranch while he tried to pitch his articles to various newspapers and magazines. He did not have much luck, so he decided to become a freelance journalist in India. That went better, he even managed to enter and report from war torn Afghanistan and he interviewed Bollywood stars. He was able to sell his articles to American and English magazines, and for ten years he travelled widely in South Asia, the Middle East and all over Africa writing a large number of articles that won him respect in media circles. He also worked for radio, television and news agencies.

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