
Reah, Danuta

United Kingdom
October 23, 1949
Miscellaneous prose, Crime literature
The British author of crime fiction, Danuta Reah (aka Carla Banks, Danuta Kot), was born in South Yorkshire. Her father, Jan Kot, was born in Belarus and fled to England during the Soviet invasion. He worked as an architect, got married and had four children in England. All of his three daughters became authors: Danuta Reah has written a string of thrillers. In 2005, she was awarded the Crime Writers’ Association Short Story Dagger for No Flies on Frank; Sue Knight is a published poet and Penny Grubb is the author of crime fiction and other writings. She received the CWA debut novel award for The Doll Makers. It was first published under the pseudonym Ellen Grubb; but the 2010 edition was published under her own name.

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